General interviews:
Kirsten Kaschock and I interviewed one another for Jen Pastiloff Taleghany’s site, the Manifest-Station: “Our Mythologies: a Conversation.” The Manifest-Station. Interview with Kirsten Kaschock. Live November 7, 2014: beutner-kristen-kaschock
Older interviews and guest posts about Alcestis:
I wrote a guest blog post on Elizabeth Loupas’s blog about the novel. (Elizabeth and I share an agent, the wonderful Diana Fox.)
ShelfLife@Texas, the University of Texas at Austin literary blog, interviewed me in January 2010.
Joe Gross of the Austin American Statesman interviewed me in late January 2010 about the publication of Alcestis and my history as a fantasy reader, among other things: “Greek girl gets her own back in mythical tale.”
I wrote a piece for John Scalzi’s Big Idea series about Alcestis.
I wrote a guest post at Wonders & Marvels about researching the book.
The artist Realm Lovejoy interviewed me for her blog, and painted a beautiful portrait of Alcestis to illustrate the interview.
Kate Ergenbright of the Daily Texan interviewed me about Alcestis.
Julia Rios of the Outer Alliance interviewed me about the book in March 2010.
Margaret Donsbach of HistoricalNovels.Info interviewed me about Alcestis.
Rebecca Chastain of Number One Novels featured an interview with me about the book and my path to publication.
Gavin Grant of Small Beer Press (publishers of Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet, in which a short-short of mine appeared a few years ago) asked me some excellent questions about the book for the Small Beer blog.
Alex C. Telander of BookBanter interviewed me in this podcast, from May 15 2010, and wrote up a short review of the book.
Matthew Merendo interviewed me at length, delightfully, for The Hipster Book Club in September 2010.
Laura Maylene Walter asked me smart questions for a Q&A on her blog in November 2010.
Miette Elm of Iambik Audio and Diane Havens, the wonderful narrator of Iambik’s recording of Alcestis, interviewed me in April 2010.
Ed Battistella interviewed me for the Literary Ashland blog in June 2010.
Diane Havens discussed Alcestis in an interview.
I’ve excerpted some reviews of Alcestis on its book page, but here are others if you’re a completist:
Booklist’s January 2010 review, sadly behind a pay wall.
Cecelia Holland reviewed the book in the September 2009 issue of Locus (the magazine can be ordered via Locus’s site).
A stunning, thoughtful review by coffeeandink that contextualizes the novel in relation to the works of Mary Renault. Excerpt: “I can’t be particularly objective about Katharine Beutner’s first novel, Alcestis … It is so exactly what I have always wanted some book to be.”
A great reader response from SonomaLass that focuses on the question of how to read Alcestis’s story in a feminist way.
Aja wrote two slightly different reviews of the book (both great): here at her book reviewing blog, where the review is her inaugural post, and here at her fandom/personal blog.
Jessica wrote a lovely review of the book for her book blog.
Rebecca Hb. describes the gods in the book as “nearly perfect” and “wow” in this reader review.
This amazing reader review by Matthew Merendo on Goodreads focuses on the novel’s evocation of ancient Greek life. (Here’s Matthew’s published review of the book at Hipster Book Club.)